BY YASMIN GOREJA – From pizza and french fries to burgers and hot dogs, the United States is widely known for its tasty food. These food items may be a treat for one’s palate; however, excessive consumption of these types of foods has caused a major rise in obesity rates among both adults and children over the last few decades.
Obesity has become a major health issue and affects about 93 million adults in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). One of the major contributing factors is the uprise of fast food chains and restaurants found throughout the country. With the increasing number of fast food chains throughout the United States, there has also been a drastic increase in the number of Americans who are overweight or obese. Chains such as McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s contain items such as burgers and fries high in calories and oversized portions.
Serving sizes in the United States have also increased over the last twenty years. As a result, these larger portion sizes are now considered to be “normal” for Americans even though they are not accurate with what an average person’s calorie intake should be. For example, a medium Big Mac meal at McDonald’s contains around 1050 calories and 48g grams of fat. This is considered very high for a meal and approaches the number of calories a person should be having in an entire day. People should be consuming about 1,500-2,500 calories in a day depending on a number of factors, but meals from fast food chains can easily add up to this amount.
Not only are foods from these restaurants high in calories, but they also contain ingredients that are harmful to our bodies. They are high in sodium, fat, and sugars along with being overly processed. Overconsumption of these ingredients not only causes obesity but can cause other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Fast food chains are not the only contributor to America’s obesity epidemic. Many popular food companies produce snacks and beverages that are unhealthy for both children and adults. Although products such as Coke and Lays are tempting and delectable, they contain many ingredients that are harmful for one’s health. Products such as these are processed, genetically modified and contain unhealthy sugars such as high-fructose corn syrup. They can easily be found in any grocery store, gas station and vending machine, which is why many Americans opt for these convenient, processed snacks rather than fruits and vegetables.
The American diet contributes greatly to the rising obesity rates in the country. While many of these foods are comforting and palatable, moderation and dietary changes can be the key to decreasing obesity rates among Americans. Along with moderation, the more educated an individual is on what their food contains, the easier it will be for one to control their diet. One way to do this is to look at food labels before purchasing a product. Using information such as serving sizes and calories on a product can help one practice healthy dietary choices. Furthermore, many grocery stores and vending machines now carry alternative, healthier options. Instead of purchasing a bag of Lay’s chips which is filled with sodium, one can opt for Veggie chips instead. With more widespread education regarding healthy eating, Americans can begin working towards a healthier lifestyle. If more people take control of their diet, a vision of America without obesity as its epidemic could one day become reality.