The Flu + You

BY ALEX HOLLOWAY – You hear it every year: get a flu shot. It’s not a hard thing to do, but it’s also not the first thing people prioritize to schedule into their already busy days. Although it can seem like a minute thing to get done, it can actually save you days in bed in the coming months.
The flu shot usually covers around 3-4 viruses and can help prevent getting the flu, or at the least lessen its symptoms. Each year, viruses are researched, and it’s determined which are the most likely to occur in the coming flu season. There are different shots for different age groups starting at the age of 6 months. For the elderly (65+), trivalent vaccines are available and for most younger generations, quadrivalent. Not only are vaccinations available in shot form, but many places can also offer them in the form of a nasal spray. Like any medicine, flu vaccines hold a slight risk of allergic reaction or side effects, but these are unlikely. Once you decide to get a flu shot, it’s time to choose a location.
Almost all doctor’s offices and some pharmacies offer flu shots and, luckily, most of them are free! If free doesn’t sound persuading enough already, some locations offer other benefits as well. Target and CVS pharmacies both offer a coupon in return for getting a complimentary flu shot with them. For Target, anyone who receives a flu vaccination receives a $5 dollar coupon in return, and for CVS, individuals receive $5 dollars off any purchase of $25 dollars or more. Publix has the highest benefits, offering a $10 dollar gift card for any of their locations. If you’re a student or employed, the opportunities for getting vaccinated increase even more. School health centers encourage students to get vaccinated, and many reward students with stickers or buttons indicating their step towards beating the flu. Students can leave with the satisfaction and pride that they are protecting both themselves and all those around them. Recently, employers have taken matters into their own hands in order to protect their employees. Companies can schedule a local pharmacy to come into their business and provide vaccinations for all those who are willing to participate. Some companies even provide incentives such as a longer lunch break for employees who accept the offer.
Regardless of age, location, or finances, there are a plethora of options for fighting off the flu season.
As the flu season approaches, it’s crucial that people get vaccinated. In the coming year there is likely to be over 31 million people diagnosed with the flu. Five minutes dedicated to getting vaccinated can prevent you from getting or spreading it. Take the opportunity to prevent the flu from getting to you.
Editor: Sasha Stoginy
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