Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana

BY SURAYA MOHIDUL – The legalization of medical marijuana has been a topic of debate for an elongated period of time and is still ongoing. Even though there are 33 states that have legalized medicinal marijuana use and 11 states that have legalized recreational marijuana use, marijuana is still seen as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. A Schedule 1 controlled substance, as classified by the US Drug Enforcement Agency, is a drug that is considered to have no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse, resulting in psychological and/or physical dependence. Drugs in this category include LSD, ecstasy, and meth.
Because of its psychological and physical effects, many believe that marijuana, regardless of its medicinal usage, should remain illegal as it can be dangerous. Others, however, believe that the drug’s medicinal pros outweigh the possible cons. When comparing marijuana to other drugs classified as Schedule 1, it is easy for them to look past the stigma. Many of the reasons that cause people to be so polarized about this topic involve personal opinions and ideologies. When looking specifically at health-related pros and cons, this is what studies have found.
Some of the arguments supporting medical marijuana include:
- Reduce or control epileptic seizures
- Marijuana can relieve certain types of chronic pain, including neuropathic pain
- THC may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
- It can soothe Parkinson’s disease tremors
- Can be used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- May prevent or settle down muscle spasms
- Can decrease nausea and nearly eliminate vomiting caused by chemotherapy
- Is an effective and possibly safer alternative to opiods when dealing with pain management
- Cannabis does not need to be smoked to be medically beneficial. Products such as cannabidiol (CBD) oils, topical pain relief treatments, edibles, and other non-smoking applications reduces the chance for any respiratory-related problems
Some arguments from the opposition include:
- Frequent use can impair your cognitive ability and short term memory
- Smoked marijuana contains cancer-causing compounds
- Marijuana carries a risk of abuse and addiction
- Marijuana has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents
- Apathy, drowsiness and depression which may affect personality and mood
- Increased risk of heart attack
- Heightened risk of chronic cough and respiratory infections
- Potential for hallucinations and withdrawal symptoms
- Immune system suppression from long-term use
In theory, you can abuse anything, including alcohol, tobacco, and prescription medicine. This casts doubt on the legitimacy of the high potential for addiction argument. If all of these substances can lead to addiction and serious health consequences, this begs the question on whether legalization of medical marijuana should be as politicized as it is. In order to get more answers on the health benefits and consequences of the use of medical marijuana, further legitimate scientific research is required. However, studies involving clinical trials are limited due to marijuana’s classification as a Schedule 1 drug. In order to make headway with the efficacy of medical marijuana, policymakers need to move progressively.
Editor: Muhammad Siddiq
Photography Source: Bianca Patel