Georgia Options: A Nonprofit Changing Lives for Those with Disabilities

ALEX HOLLOWAY – Over a quarter of U.S. adults have a diagnosed disability that impacts them daily. This equates to over 61 million Americans who fall under US Code 12102 which defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual major life activities include caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working. Around ten years ago, a local Athens family decided there was not enough accessible care for adults with disabilities. The family decided to take action and created a non-profit known as Georgia Options. Beginning day one, Georgia Options has strived to uphold its mission to provide independence for adults with developmental disabilities, allowing them to live in their own homes and have typical life experiences.
Georgia Options began as a small organization serving less than ten individuals, but has grown to have a staff with over 150 Direct Support Professionals. These individuals known as DSPs assist those with disabilities in their everyday needs. Additionally, Georgia Options is able to have such a strong network of DSPs that they can provide individuals with the 24-hour, 7-days-a-week support when needed. The care includes all aspects of life, whether it be transportation, physical needs such as bathing, or even just being a voice of reason during an overwhelming situation. Without this organization, individuals with disabilities may be left to rely on their families for all of their care. This can lead to an array of complications in employment, financials, and more. However, with Georgia Options, individuals are able to live more independent and self-controlled lives. Aside from care, Georgia Options continues to advocate for those with disabilities while also helping them get involved with the community. Georgia Options is able to provide job coaches, resources, and events for the people they support in order to ensure they are getting to enjoy every aspect of life, especially the ones out of their homes.
Working with Georgia Options has been one of the most rewarding experiences during my collegiate time at the University of Georgia. As a DSP myself, I have got to witness firsthand some of the barriers that those with disabilities face physically, mentally, and emotionally. Athens and surrounding counties are fortunate to have a program like Georgia Options who is dedicated to its calling of serving the community. Georgia Options continues to serve every day and night thanks to donations made throughout the year. More information regarding DSP opportunities, donating, and testimonials can be found on their website,
Copy Editor: Sophia Bartell
Photography Source: Rylan Puent,