Free Educational Resources That You Probably Didn’t Know About

MEDHINI RAMESH – Premeds are always looking for resources to improve their understanding of undergrad course material and to prepare themselves for med school with at least the minimum amount of medical knowledge. That’s one reason shows like Grey’s Anatomy and House MD are so popular among premed students. To get a more realistic sense, we turn to the internet. With an excessively large number of resources for undergraduates to use, the internet makes finding good material often challenging.
UGA offers a variety of resources, but students are sometimes unaware of everything that professors at UGA do outside of formally teaching their classes. Dr. Moore and his team in the Educational Resources Unit have created educational materials for students and faculty to use in creating presentations, publications, and their curriculum. Their mission is to create engaging materials about concepts students often struggle to master. To do this in the most effective way possible, all of their books are less than 2000 words long and incorporate visual aids and/or animations to make them as interactive as possible. Some of them also include questions that you can check instantly and charts to help you sort out the information easily.
Dr. Moore’s team has designed 55 Apple Books so far, and these books have had more than 120,000 downloads worldwide. The books were such a hit that Dr. Moore even received the designation of Apple Distinguished Educator. Each year, Dr. Moore and his team upload more books, with at least one book targeted for a younger audience.
These books exist solely to help students understand complex subjects and are free to anyone who desires to learn. The focus of any of Dr. Moore’s courses at UGA is to help students in comprehension and not simple memorization of material. This sort of learning model lends itself to years of easy recollection which allows for information to be ingrained into long-term memory.
While not all topics are covered and not all the books may be relevant to a single premed’s interests, it’s a great place to find some interactive resources for your pre-med and perhaps even med-school journey.
Here’s the link to the entire collection of books available:
Copy Editor: Aditi Madhusudan
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