Spotlight Organization: United Against Inequities in Disease

SOHAWM SENGUPTA – Almost two years after the first case of COVID-19 emerged, the world is still being plagued by the disease that has infected hundreds of millions of people and killed millions worldwide. The disease has disproportionately affected African Americans, Latin Americans, and American Indians in the United States showing increased rates of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths when compared to other racial/ethnic groups.
COVID-19 response is a glaring example of how inequities that exist in the healthcare field can exacerbate a problem. These inequities range beyond racial and ethnic considerations, considering other factors such as economic status and financial instability with both COVID-19 and various other diseases. These factors are the source of inequities and disparities in a multitude of public policy and healthcare areas.
United Against Inequities in Disease (UAID) is an organization committed to combating health inequities that continue to ravage the healthcare world. UAID supports domestic projects at a number of universities across the country in order to establish sustainable service to the surrounding area through community projects. They address these issues through the eight steps of a community project outline that chapters use to guide their constituents through the process. During the process, a Community Health Needs Assessment is distributed in order to garner a better understanding of the inequities faced by groups in the community. A project is developed and carefully implemented with attention to data collection and outcome evaluations. Through this tried-and-true process that has been implemented in numerous locations across the country, UAID has been able to effectively facilitate sustainable change to various community groups.
The organization also showcases its members’ work and garners support from public health affiliates. UAID does this by organizing a virtual national conference each year for members to demonstrate the scope of the organization and the work that the organization has completed during the year. Furthermore, the organization organizes a peer-reviewed student journal. This journal aims to encapsulate writing pertaining to public health and community wellbeing both by UAID members and those interested in similar subject areas. Lastly, the organization creates webinars in which guest speakers come on behalf of the organization and educate viewers on public health and healthcare topics.
Through these initiatives, UAID not only aims to enact meaningful change in the community, but it also aims to develop student leaders in the public health field who are looking to tackle inequalities in healthcare. The change that UAID promotes is sustainable in its communities with efforts focused in the same communities year after year in order to continue progress towards eliminating inequities once and for all.
Copy Editor: Annie Patel
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