Alternative medicine misinformation trends on TikTok

Alternative medicine has become somewhat of a trend recently. People are turning to more natural home remedies, like practicing mindfulness and nutritional eating, to heal their body. Alternative medicines have been around for ages. Ayurveda is a natural medicine that originated in India approximately 3,000 years ago, and Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back to the Shang Dynasty Period (1766 BC). Unlike conventional medicine, alternative medicines tend to focus on restoring health in the whole body rather than focusing on one disease. Existing literature both supports and argues against the use of alternative medicines. Many doctors are not trained in alternative medicine, so they choose to ask their patients to use it as a complement to allopathic methods if the patient desires. Most alternative medicines are not harmful.
One of the problems is when patients opt in favor of alternative treatment methods. By viewing these practices as a replacement for allopathic treatment, these patients may no longer be seeking out proper healthcare consultation. This becomes particularly dangerous when this misinformation is spread as facts online, one example of which is the plethora of wellness and health gurus on TikTok who often have little to no training in healthcare. One such trend that gained traction in 2022 promoted taping the mouth closed to improve snoring, and was targeted towards people insecure about how loud they snore. According to Dr. Verma, this could cause obstructed breathing, making it more dangerous than helpful. Another trend was boiling cold medicine with chicken. However, the FDA warned that boiling medicine can increase its concentration, which can be highly dangerous.
Other trends promote body dysmorphia and negative eating habits. Influencers encouraged their audience to put lemon in coffee to lose weight. While this is not necessarily harmful, it promotes the idea of eating unappetizing things to alter appearance. Another weight loss method was eating two tablespoons of chia seeds with water and lemon juice to create an “internal shower,” which is advertised as a method to look less bloated. Maya Feller, a nutritionist, confirms that these “quick fixes” can be incredibly triggering for people struggling with their body images. In fact, studies show that disordered eating has increased over the past 50 years, and the easier accessibility to media plays a big role in that.
Not all health trends are bad, though. There are a few good habits to come out of TikTok, such as taking “Hot Girl Walks”. This trend, which according to creator Mia Lind involves taking a walk outside while thinking about what you’re grateful for, encourages people to get more physically active and think more optimistically. Another good trend to come out of TikTok is drinking liquid chlorophyll. Although it is not necessarily any better than any other green vegetable, liquid chlorophyll does have nutrients and antioxidants that makes a person feel better.
The world of TikTok is an interesting one. It fosters creativity and connection, spreading first hand information that may not be spotlighted on traditional media outlets. The downside of this, however, is the lack of a proper filter. Anyone can spread information, or misinformation, and it has the potential to reach millions of people. In fact, according to research conducted by Plush, 84% of TikTok videos about mental health were found to have some sort of misleading content within them. There have been discussions about implementing regulations to prevent these videos from being posted. However, content moderation can be very difficult due to the sheer number of videos uploaded to the app everyday, as well as the high speeds at which they can go viral. Furthermore, TikTok’s algorithm is part of its appeal to its audiences. Adding too many restrictions can cause a decline in business, and companies often put profit first. While alternative medicine has become a popular trend, it is important to be cautious about the information that is spread on social media platforms like TikTok.
Alternative medicines can be helpful, but with the spread of misinformation online, it is important to be careful. While some health trends can be beneficial, others can be dangerous and promote unhealthy habits. For now, it is important for individuals to seek proper healthcare advice from trained professionals.
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