healthcare careers when you don’t want to be a doctor

SAMEEKA PRABATH – When most people think of the healthcare industry, doctors and nurses come to mind. However, those careers are not a good fit for everyone. Becoming a physician requires years of training and rigorous coursework, turning many students away from the healthcare industry as a whole. However, many don’t realize how vast the field of health care is.
Here are some careers outside of the Pre-Medical field:
Medical filmmakers and illustrators work with physicians to produce visual content of scientific images on websites, posters, textbooks, and other forms of media. Illustrations could be used in doctor’s offices, medical schools, or even in courts to help judges and juries understand situations better. This job requires knowledge in both science and art and allows you to work in many different environments.
This job is perfect for people who are interested in healthcare ethics and laws. People specializing in legal consultants can work in legal offices and in hospitals. Many advise hospital administrators on how to handle patient information and make sure the hospital adheres to legal requirements. They also may work in legal offices, helping interpret medical evidence on cases.
Music therapy is a method of therapy that uses music to address the psychological needs of patients. This may listen to or create music with patients to support their patients. Music therapists often have extensive knowledge in music, education, and psychology. This career allows you to uniquely combine these skills to have a direct positive impact on a patient’s life.
Genetic counselors assess their patient’s risks for certain conditions by assessing their family history and their lifestyle. Many also help parents assess the risk of their children having diseases and make recommendations for lifestyle changes and/or further screenings. They work in various settings like hospitals and laboratories. This is a good career for those interested in research and science while also wanting to have a relationship with patients.
Healthcare managers work in healthcare facilities to run daily operations and manage financial transactions. Many work in nursing homes, hospitals, and private facilities. This career integrates the healthcare system and business, making it great for people who aren’t interested in clinical practice.
Choosing a career can be very difficult and stressful. However, it’s important to take comfort in the fact that choosing a job is a path. While going through college, figure out what subjects you enjoy and excel at. Keep an open mind and explore your options. The healthcare industry is more than doctors, and it is fueled by people with many different talents. If you are passionate about making a difference in people’s lives, there is a place in the healthcare field for you.
Copy Editor – Uditi Srivastava
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