Period Poverty: Discrepancies in Women’s Health

MADDEN LUNDY – What is it?
I’m sure you are all familiar with the term “poverty.” Poverty can be defined as a lack of the resources necessary for standard living conditions. However, the term period poverty might be less familiar. Period poverty is a lack of the necessary menstrual products and/or the education necessary to use them properly. In addition to this, regions that experience period poverty often possess harmful stigmas surrounding periods and menstrual health that prevent people from addressing the issue, further contributing to the harm that period poverty causes.
Where is it?
Many people think that Period Poverty only exists in third-world countries where women However, period poverty impacts women worldwide. Period poverty is generally more prevalent in countries where women experience more oppression and in countries where there are more individuals experiencing poverty, but period poverty is an issue in all countries across the world.
What does it cause?
Period poverty causes physical and mental pain for women. Having a lack of access to menstrual products can cause a variety of health issues, such as urinary tract infections, and hygiene concerns. The stigmas surrounding women’s menstrual health further contribute to this problem in that many women are scared to ask questions and bring up this issue because it is seen as inappropriate to talk about. This causes mental pain in that many women feel isolated and like their experiences are not valid.
How can I help?
Talk about it! Over half of the world’s population has a period. Simply talking about women’s menstrual health openly as well as discussing period poverty will help to erase the harmful stigmas that surround women’s health.
Do your research! Learning more about this global issue and being able to educate your peers will ensure that more people are aware of this topic and are able to further educate themselves and others.
Call for action! Advocating for this topic can be done in many different ways. Some examples of ways to help include donating to organizations working to eradicate period poverty or contacting your elected officials to call for action on this issue.
Copy Editor – Uditi Srivastava
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