Racial Risk Factors

ISHAN VAISH – Risk factors for Covid-19 range from obesity to asthma. Scientists estimate that almost 47% of the population currently possesses one or more of these risk factors, and
Read moreISHAN VAISH – Risk factors for Covid-19 range from obesity to asthma. Scientists estimate that almost 47% of the population currently possesses one or more of these risk factors, and
Read moreISABELLE RIDDLE – Francis Crick, known by most as the father of modern genetics, once lamented, in a 1979 research article, the serious roadblocks he foresaw for the field of
Read moreCOURTENEY MALIN – Medicine, like the rest of the world, is susceptible to the changes brought by technology and the prevalence of social media. Digital patient files can be accessed
Read moreMUHAMMAD SIDDIQ – As a pre-med English Major, I’ve been met with a variety of responses upon telling people my academic interests: “Whoa, I didn’t know you could do that.”
Read moreSTEPHEN JOSEPH – Headlines and Twitter feeds have run rampant over the past several days, sensationalizing the extent of the coronavirus and promoting irrational fear among the public. While the
Read moreARCHIE PATEL – Stem cell research and therapy has become a very hopeful and advanced, albeit controversial, scientific research topic in recent years. Stem cells are unspecialized cells of the
Read moreISABELLE RIDDLE – On lazy afternoons, my roommates and I indulge ourselves in marathon watch-parties of My 600-Pound Life on TLC. Recently, this pastime led to a heated debate among
Read moreCOURTENEY MALIN – Since the mid-1900s, increasing access to digital technology has allowed scientists to conduct research at a rapid pace. The first reproducibility crisis began in psychology in the
Read moreBY SANIA QAZI – Undocumented immigrant communities in the United States are a constant fixture in our political discourse. There are approximately 12 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the
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