E. coli Again…

BY ISHAN VAISH – On November 22nd, the CDC reported an outbreak of E. Coli in romaine lettuce coming from Salinas, California. With over forty people already infected, the outbreak
Read moreBY ISHAN VAISH – On November 22nd, the CDC reported an outbreak of E. Coli in romaine lettuce coming from Salinas, California. With over forty people already infected, the outbreak
Read moreISABELLE RIDDLE – On lazy afternoons, my roommates and I indulge ourselves in marathon watch-parties of My 600-Pound Life on TLC. Recently, this pastime led to a heated debate among
Read moreBY COURTENEY MALIN – Seemingly, parasites are isolated to their hosts, only infecting and inconveniencing the organism to which they belong. However, parasites could influence their hosts beyond physical changes
Read moreBY SRIJA SOMAKA – The most vulnerable population in our country is also the most overlooked; children’s access to healthcare is on the decline. Pediatrics – the branch of medicine
Read moreBY STEPHEN JOSEPH – Mental health is currently a controversial issue in the United States. Mental health awareness has certainly increased over the past several years, especially after the tragic
Read moreBY SASHA STOGINY – In today’s world, about one billion adults – two-thirds of whom are women – are illiterate. Although the global literacy rate has grown steadily over the
Read moreMAAZ GUL – It has become common knowledge that despite being one of the most advanced countries in the world, America has a huge physician shortage. By 2030, the AAMC
Read moreBY NIDHI DAHIYA – When Alec Raeshawn Smith turned 26, he aged off of his mother’s health insurance plan, leaving him considering getting his own health insurance which would involve
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